It`s amazing what you find when you first start to look around in old bags and boxes. This was one of the few things I found and almost had forgotten.
well...this is me! We had this great party in my 2nd year at Kvitsund, and I was suppose to dress like a swedish truck-driver. I laughed my head of when I found this picture in a box og mess from the years back at Kvitsund. Still remember those weeks after that party trying to get all that wax out of my hair.
Nice picture huh?
11 kommentarer:
Ooooo, hot stuff :) hahahaha... I also laughed quite hard when I saw this. This isnt the Jorun I know. hehehe- old pics are great. When I was going through my room and painting a week ago I also found some absolutly crazy pics he hehe- fun times...
also- im getting myself back to norway. I'll be there late tuesday. The thing is Im only in skien from that tuesday until the saturday morning. So if Im gonna see ya we need to work it into there sometime, K????? I wanna see my chicken before she goes away
Hei Jorun! For et bilde!!! Hehe - kult! Jeg driver og flytter disse dagene, men skal si i fra med en gang jeg vet om en dag vi kan treffes. Bor hos farmor og farfar fram til jeg reiser. Du må komme på besøk! Bo der litt et par dager kanskje? Og hvis tlf din virker, kan du ikke sende et mel så jeg kan sjekke om jeg har riktig nr. Jeg har sikkert tre nr på deg, men tror kanskje ingen av dem virker. Mitt tlf er 97060183, i tilfelle du hadde mista det=)Håper du hadde det fint i fjellet!! Og takker for hyggelige hilsner. Du er god, du! Varm klem fra Siri
Konge! :-D
hehe, kult:)
You really look like rap dancer.
så mange bra kommentarer her, kanskje jeg bør skifte stil og gå tilbake igjen i gamle sko...hehe
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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